Congratulations to all professional and student winners of the 2024 Pele Awards. Your hard work, creativity, and talent have been recognized and celebrated, and you should be incredibly proud of your accomplishments. Your contributions to the industry are inspirational and will help shape the future of advertising and design in Hawai'i and beyond.

Ryan Kawamoto

AAF-Hawai'i  President July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024

Writer & Director Vice President - Community Relations Kinetic Productions Inc.

Our 2024 Pele Judges were tasked with deciding who is Hawaii's Best in Advertising and Design for 2023.   The quality of entry submissions we received was truly outstanding, showcasing the exceptional talent and innovation within our Hawaii Advertising and Design community. Mahalo to everyone who participated!

Paul Lam

Pele Awards Chair 14th Year

Pele Awards Winners

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